Tuesday, October 28, 2014

ETRC Fall School, 28 October, 2014

Blended learning: challenges of teaching a foreign language

to Generation Z
Workshop Plan
1.       Introducing the terms:
·         blended learning,
·         generation X,Y, Z

Challenges of teaching a FL the Generation Z. Solution- Blended Learning
10 min
2.       Examples of blended learning
How to create a podcast.

3.       Examples of blended learning
4.       Class Blogs:

Online classrooms

Online blackboards

Online assessment

Rubrics for project based learning http://rubistar.4teachers.org/

Online grade books

Webquest “Travelling around the world” (9th Form) http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=210216

Listening activity “Can technology make the world more beautiful?” (8th Form)

Practical activity
Chose one of the following tasks to perform and present to your fellow teachers.
Task 1: Create a rubric using http://rubistar.4teachers.org/
Task 2: Create a quiz using https://www.examtime.com
Task 3: Create a blog for your class using KidBlog http://kidblog.org/
Task 4: Create a record book for your class using LearnBoost https://www.learnboost.com/
Task 5: Create a virtual classroom for you class using Nicenet or Khan Academy

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