Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Writing Contest

Dear students,
Here is the blog where you will post your pieces of writing in the Comments Box.
The theme for writing is "What is writing for me".

I hope you will find the tips on the website helpful and will use them in your pieces of writing.

Good luck!!!


  1. "What is writing for me?"
    Writing – something that I never understood. It might sound weird but that is the truth. I was always interested in writing, but most of the time I just couldn’t type or write several words. And I still don’t know some of them. While writing this I’ll make a lot of mistakes. But there is one question that actually can conclude everything that I know about writing – “What is writing for me?!”.
    When I was ten or eleven, I used to write all the time. In Russian and English, but never in Romanian. A lot of people say that I should love my country and respect it. I totally agree with it, but for me Moldova is not my place… I don’t feel comfortable here. I’m thankful that I have a place where to live, and that’s all that matters… But there also comes the question….”Where is my place?”. Throughout the years I’ve been learning English, I didn’t like it at the beginning. I was as stubborn as a mule that that subject was stupid for me… But now I totally changed my opinion… Now I can’t live without English even a single day! At that moment, at that point of my life I write a lot! Not because of school, because I like it. Because I feel comfortable expressing my feelings and my thoughts. There are things that I can’t tell with words…but I write them, usually only for me. I don’t like to share what I’m thinking completely, I can tell about 25% of all that I know. I like to ask myself questions about my future life, my present and my past. And I always realize that through writings many people became popular and not only. A lot of stuff from other eras escaped, just because they were written. Maybe after 100 years, someone will find my writings, my poems, my texts and will remember or even start to write too, about the best moments in their lives and not only.

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  4. Just to answer one question “What is writing for me?” you can think years and years. Different people, different opinions.
    While being a kid I was learning how to write a composition. I always had a scheme that would tell me, but now I don’t care about anything that can help me. Everything that I need is in my mind. I’m just picking some ideas, I’m putting them together and then I create a beautiful song, poem or text.
    There is no limit about what we can write. But there are limits in our brain or in our mind. In order to write something, you need to read something. I love detectives, but I never write in that genre. The question is “Why?”. For me the answer is that I develop those ideas that I read from the book and transform them into something, something beautiful. I try to make my songs, especially, as colourful as a rainbow. What I mean, is that I want them to be funny and energic. Because let’s admit it, if you ever hear a song that is slow and sad, you will stop it. At least I will do that. There are people that like sad or classic music. For them, writing is just a part of the creation. They won’t think about the words, the will care only about the music. For some people writing is like homework, especially for kids and students. The write and type and after they are done, they just feel satisfied and fine. Because they finished. For some people writing is like makeup. Especially for makeup artists. They know what to do. They work on somebody’s face, they make mistakes but they clear them up with new ideas, new color combinations and other stuff that they know.

  5. For some people writing is like solving a puzzle. They sketch ideas, they have imaginations and everything that they need in their head. After putting together all the elements they create a beautiful writing. If you finished a puzzle you can put it as a decoration everywhere that you want. Everyone has their different ideas about what is writing for them. Most will tell that it is just a simple action or verb, but others will maybe tell that writing for them is like a game of words, a clear mind, eating an apple, squeezing (why not?!), a flower, an embryo that develops, decorating, watching the stars and the moon, a toy, clicking, a rocket, food, modeling, a window, a mirror, a dream, a new world, a song,a coffee, giving birth, watching a movie, a drug, love, climbing a mountain, shopping, a nut, a trip around the world or eating chocolate! And there are so many that you can probably explode from inventing, thinking and developing the ideas! After seeing all these, you probably start thinking “What is writing for me?!” – the final question. I haven’t thought about that question for years. Maybe for a week or so.. But for me, the answer is clear as ABC now. For me writing is like feeling cozy. I might sound like the most banal thing that I can say. But for me this is it. I write when I want to relax. It is hard sometimes, but I create all the conditions that I need. If I would have a fireplace, it would be awesome. But I don’t have one, I work with what I got. I need something warm and cozy around me. A cup of tea is perfect. Just drinking it gives you some inspiration. You can feel the taste of it, that “delicious” atmosphere…But it’s not all I need. A nice blanket can also help me out. I simply “wrap” my self with it and relax. The colors that it has, inspire. The drawings and the thoughts that you have about it, just come together and maybe create something cool. So I create my own space of comfortable and bright thoughts. Everyone is different, I’m just myself and that helps me out with writing.

    “You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.”
    ― Madeleine L'Engle

    Natalia Lupu

  6. Writing –is a way to express your feelings and emotions.For me it is a relaxing proces especially when I write in English.Just let the the words flying in your mind and write them on a piece of papper.
    Writing --is like a toy that gives you new ideas=)
    Cause when you are little boy/girl i`m sure you had a toy(usually a Teddy bear)that was your Best friend that helped you in bad moments : Like in the night when you are little you are scaried of lightning and thunder you just take your teddy bear and you forgot about all that happen around you.And now when you look at this toy you`re laughthing because you remember old,good times. ...is like a song played on the papper with a pen you can play with letters and words you can invent new words word combinations.So you have to show your imagination
    When I`m nervious I just start writing or painting because it calms me but why painting??
    I thing that writing is similar to painting, you never know what will happen,it always surprise you just have an idea and you have to explain it in words to get a perfect results just like in modeling., cause you have long way to get them.
    When you have inspiration and a crazy mood you have great ideas and new words in your mind you can write book as as fast as a rocket but when you are sad and you don`t have any inspiration..you can write one word in a hour since to be as slow as a snail (just like at our history lesson sometimes you don`t have any ideas )
    In conclusion:Writing is the perfect way to calm your soul .
    “The art of writing is the art of discovering in what you belive, I Like what I wrote I Love my word but I don`t know how I wrote it”

  7. What is writing for me?
    Writing - what an interesting and meaningful process! It is like a butterfly that impresses you and you run after it like a crazy kindergarten child.
    Sometimes is just a bag where you can put your necessary things and go with it everywhere. The same is with writing you have in your brains your knowledge and ideas and you go with them everywhere, but when you need an idiom or a comparison you begin to take out some of your things. And so, taking one thing after another from your bag it remains empty and instead you have all your things on the bed in a big mess. Arranging them you see they are useful and even needed. The same thing with writing, when you think and begin to take from your brain an idiom or a simile in your brain remains nothing, but instead arranging your sentences with idioms, you have nice and rich text.

    For me writing is a tie... Its ends expand like some worms, that are looking for their food in the soil. Its rich patterns taste my lost only feelings, it sleeps on the neck as a snail. It glues your strange and odd ideas, cuts the cruel reality that surrounds, sews your skilled imagination, your poor creativity and emotions your unique emotions of the writer.

    For me writing is the crystal and icy snow... It dances on your your quarreling mind, it flies on your homeless, stressed andry problems and drinks your thirsty courage. SOmetimes it turns your heart into a frozen one but sometimes it comes as a proud princess and it sits on her throne, it tortures you like her servant and it buys all your precious treasure: your mood, health and hope. Writing is a steady guest in your creativity. She tells you all her desires and then asks you if you will be able to fulfill them. She has very expensive clothing and has really cruel principles.

    Writing for me is giving freedom to some of my feelings, ideas. It is enjoying a feast, is a choice that you have to do because you always choose what you like to do. This pleasure sometimes doesn't make much sense, but only watching the movie of your past you can realize how much it means and what kind of impact it made.

    Writing - these pills maintain me in form and don't let me lose control, charge me with positive energy and instead I give writing my negative... which lives daily in my soul.
