Saturday, November 7, 2015

Seminarul bilateral, Bucuresti 6-8 noiembrie, 2015

Instrumentele Web 2.0 pentru participarea cu succes in proiectele eTwinning


Instrumente de planificare: Google Doc, Padlet

CommunityWalk Map - Seminarul Bilateral de la Bucuresti

Instrumente de cunoastere:
Thinglink 1, Thinglink 2


Instrumente de creare/publicare a logo-urilor:
Image Chef

Bighugelabs Billboard
Instrumente de planificare

Google Docs


Crearea de continuturi

Postarea produselor finale -

Crearea revistelor online: Madmags
A mag created with Madmagz.

Crearea hartilor conceptuale: MindMeister
Crearea Slide-urilor interactive: Vimeo, Wevideo, Photopeach
Crearea blogurilor/site-urilor
Weebly, WordPress

Instrumente de evaluare a unui proiect:
Google Forms

Monday, September 14, 2015

Unit 1 Lesson 2 (10th Form)

Listen to the opinions of a teacher and a parent about school and edu-
cation. How would you answer the questions that the parent and the
teacher ask at the end of their letters?

Listen to the video. While listening try to answer the questions:
Did the education revolutionize? Why didn't it? Do you remember at least one example the author provided to prove his point?
What is better according to the speaker - a static picture or an animation? Why?
What is the role of the teacher?
What is the purpose of the education?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

7 May - The 10th anniversary of eTwinning Celebration

eTwinning 10th Anniversary a joy fest for children!
By Liliana Nederita,
“George Calinescu” Lyceum
Chisinau, Moldova
eTwinning has always been a ray of sunshine into the boring window frame of the conventional and traditional educational system. With its 10th year anniversary it has stormed out into our school and made the end the spring and of school year unforgettable by bringing together the eTwinners to celebrate and making them feel like a community.  I still hold on to the image of happy children faces blowing up balloons, drawing on the pavement, bending over the posters their heads in concentrated expressions and bouncing with joy so that it was difficult to tell a child from a balloon. It was with younger eTwinners that we drew on the pavement and played balloon games.
However the fun didn’t stop here. The teenage eTwinners (7th-8th forms: 14-16 years old) came together to embark on the adventure of celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the eTwinning.
Students shared their experience of participating in the eTwinning projects, they have made posters, created an eTwinning planet and populated it with their “countries” and “people”. They have even invented a legend to each of the created country on the eTwinning planet.
Students brimmed with pride for their accomplishments within eTwinning and for the simple fact that being so far away one can still be part of a great community. Despite the fact that eTwinning has been a part of our school for a short time (only one year), today at the eTwinning anniversary celebration we realized how much it has become part of our school life and what a great impact has it had on us all - students and teachers alike.
All in all eTwinning 10th Anniversary celebration was a blast and all students had a lot of fun!

eTwinning 10th Anniversary Celebration on PhotoPeach

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Country of Traditions. Vocabulary Study

Task 1.
Study the vocabulary of the lesson

Task 2.
Take the test to see if you have mastered the vocabulary

Task 3.
Fill in the missing words

Fill in exercise: Symbols

Task 4. 
After the teacher has explained the grammar and done some practice on the Perfect Progressive Tenses, take the Quiz on the Perfect Progressive Tenses to check your understanding and mastering of these tenses.
Perfect Continuous Tenses

Home assignments:
1. Further practice of Perfect Progressive Tenses Ex. 1, p 103 (Students Book Working Together 10Form)
2. Search the Web, find interesting facts about the USA and bring them to class. Be ready to share them orally with the class.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

WORKSHOP ”Formarea competențelor digitale în direcția utilizării instrumentelor TIC la lecție” Partea a IV-a

8 aprilie, 2015

Formator: Nederiță Liliana, profesor de limba engleză, trainer-consultant, Agenția Națională de Suport eTwinning Moldova, Fundația Est Europeană

Publicarea continuturilor

Crearea ziarelor, revistelor, cartilor.
Activitate practică:  Creaza o carte utilizand aplicatia Isuu  
                          Creaza o revista cu aplicatia Madmagz

Reconstituirea mesajului integral prin intermediul secventelor de articole.

Activitate practică:  Creaza o secventa de articol de ziar folosing aplicatia Fodey

Bibliografii si profiluri create de elevi online. Aplicatia Fakebook

Activitate practică:  Selecteaza o personalitate celebra/un personaj literar si creaza un cont  Fakebook


Lectiile de tip WebQuest

Examinati exemplele oferite de catre moderator:

Exemplul 1: WebQuest "Travelling Around the World"
Exemplul 2: "Health Hazards"

Sarcina de lucru:

Creati o lectie tip WebQuest utilizand cel putin unul din instrumentele invatate.
Pentru aceasta puteti folosi sablonul oferit de pe Zunal  (exemplul 1) sau sablon obisnuit Word asa ca in exemplul 2.